About us

Galleri EKG AS org. no. 912 596 729 VAT was established in November 2005 in Elverum. In October 2014, the gallery moved to Stortorget in Hamar and has been there ever since. We started with online shopping in 2006 and marketing in social media in 2007.

In addition to ordinary exhibition activities and dissemination of art, the gallery has been both a driving force and an actor in tourism. We have been active partners for both the Festivals in Elverum, the Norwegian Forest Museum and the Elverum Tourism Association. Our desire has been to make a contribution to cultural life in collaboration with our artists and other partners such as e.g. The festivals in Elverum (since 2006). Later, we started cooperation with the Flagstad festival and the Nordic Poetry Festival in Hamar and exhibition cooperation with Åmot cultural center in Rena.

The gallery has an online shop where we present both our exhibitions and convey art by the artists with whom we actively collaborate. We sell art on behalf of the artists. All the images in the online store are available in the gallery