Collection: Christopher Robin Rådlund

Christopher Rådlund was a renowned artist who made a name for himself with his neo-figurative and meditative visual art both in Norway and Sweden. He is a lover of classical music and has experienced the entire "Ring" both at La Scala in Milan and the Festspielhaus in Bayreuth. His project depicting scenes from Richard Wagner's opera "The Ring of the Niebelungen", where he has developed scenographies and costumes himself, is a child of the thoughts and encounters the opera piece awakened in him.

Rådlund's pictures represent simplicity, silence, soothing darkness and longing - they are pictures that live on. He is known for his art with motifs from the Nordic region, with winter, spring, summer and landscapes from mountains, seas, trees and clouds treated with naturalistic craftsmanship, symmetrical composition and large lines. His collaboration with the composer Marcus Paus shows his broad artistic interests, where he has organized interdisciplinary festivals and painted "live" during performances of classical music, jazz and black metal.

Rådlund was also an advocate of neo-figurative art with the book "Figurationen - romantikk og realisme i norsk samtidsmaleri", published in 2009 together with Johan Lundberg. He has also published the book "Black book on architecture" in 2012, in collaboration with Alexander Z. Ibsen.

With his education from the Norwegian Academy of Fine Arts in Oslo and the School of Fine Arts in Umeå, Rådlund has had a long career in Norway since 1995. In addition, he has an education from the Norwegian School of Handicrafts and Art Industry in Oslo and the School of Art and Design in Gothenburg. He has had several solo exhibitions in Galleri EKG, including Festival exhibition, Flagstad festival and Far front - landscape from Afghanistan. He was an active participant in exhibitions both nationally and internationally. His death in 2022 was a loss for the gallery and cultural life in general.

Christopher Rådlund fotografert av Pirjo Birgitta Mursu