Collection: Dang Van Ty

"When I was at the academy, I worked in a kindergarten, observing children's sincerity, honesty and how they sat, stood and moved. Children can be happy one moment and tears flow the next. I often dress the children in my pictures in clown suits, so that they can be happy and sad at the same time. This way, the children don't become Hans and Grethe, but can be anyone. In these clown suits, the children get the freedom to float or sit on a small globe of nuts alone and think". says Dang Van Ty

He graduated from the Statens Håndverks- og Kunstindustriskole in two periods 1978-1982, 1986-87 and the Statens Kunstgakademi 1982-1986, 1987-1989. He was deputy to the National Autumn Exhibition in 1981 and has since had a number of exhibitions both in Norway and abroad. His pictures have been purchased by the National Gallery, the National Gallery, the Norwegian Cultural Council, Oslo Bysamling and several art associations.

Dang Van Ty has had paintings and graphics in the gallery since our inaugural exhibition in 2005.

Dang Van Ty