Collection: Embla Øverbye

Embla Øverbye was born in 1993 in Akershus and lives and works in Oslo. She is educated at the University of the Arts in Oslo with a BFA in graphic art and drawing and is a member of Norwegian Artists and Norwegian Visual Artists (NBK).

Among other things, she has participated in the International Woodcut Festival in Haugesund, the 2nd Printmaking Biennial in Armenia and several exhibitions at Norske Grafikere. She is represented with woodcuts in the collection Collection of the International Print Biennale Yerevan, Armenia 2019.

Embla works respectively with woodcuts, gravure printing and drawing. She works introspectively and is interested in the shadow side of things. Øverbye questions the usefulness or joy of embracing darkness, and the beauty, hurt and safety that suddenly arise in it.

Embla Øverbye