Collection: Gro Fraas

Gro Fraas (1954, Larvik) is a painter and graphic artist, and is educated at the Statens Håndverks- og Kunstindustriskole. Fraas is often considered one of Norway's foremost watercolourists, but lithography is also close to her. The starting point for her work is often landscape, but it is more about moods than a landscape you recognise. She is one of the few Norwegian artists who continues the watercolor technique to lithography.

About her art she writes:

My theme is nature's traces and patterns, transformation and metamorphosis. I am interested in mythology and parallels between cultures, as it describes our presence and elements in nature. For example, sun and moon or the wind and the sea. Ever since I was a student, I have worked with lithography, printing from stone. In later years watercolor and monotype and egg/oil tempera.

In 2010, she was invited to design an image for the Nobel Peace Prize, which in that year was given to Liu Xiaobo. Fraas has been purchased by several private and public collections, such as the National Gallery , the National Gallery , the Norwegian Cultural Council , Oslo Municipality's art collections , Trøndelag Art Gallery and many more.

Gro Fraas