Collection: Gro Hege Bergan

Gro Hege Bergan (1951) works as a painter and graphic artist. She was born in Tønsberg and raised in Sem municipality. Bergan is educated at the Statens Håndverks- og Kunstindustriskole (1970-1974) and the Statens Academy of Arts (1974-1981).

Her motifs are taken from situations in everyday life. Through meticulous naturalistic execution, a slightly caricaturing and alienating effect is created. Bergan is known for his subtle interpretations of people and situations. With her distinctive use of color and naïve style, she gives the images a nostalgic undertone.

There are regulars in my picture world: people, houses and trees. People go ice-skating, take baths, sing, celebrate national day. But houses and trees? They just are. I strive for a direct and simplified design language and colors that resonate in layers.

Gro Hege Bergan