Collection: Gro Mukta Holter

Gro Mukta Holter is a multifaceted artist who masters a number of different techniques and forms of expression within the art world. With her background as a painter, graphic artist, draughtsman, designer, writer, installation artist and textile artist, she has created a versatile and exciting artistry that has impressed art lovers all over the country. Over the years, Holter has had over 20 solo exhibitions in galleries and art associations across the country as well as participated in over 50 group exhibitions.

Holter has also been awarded several important prizes and scholarships for his work in the arts, including Oslo Municipality's Art and Culture Grant and the Norwegian State's Artist Grant for younger newly established artists. She is recognized for her work with craft techniques and for valuing values ​​and identity in her art. Magical realism and a heuristic approach are in focus in her artistry and she combines recognizable elements with a unique atmosphere that makes her artwork gripping and thought-provoking. Holter has also been purchased by several public institutions and private collections and her art is an enrichment for any art gallery or collection.

Gro Mukta Holter