Collection: Ingrid Lilja Arntzen

Ingrid Lilja Arntzen is a former gallerist and musician, but in recent years has made a name for herself with a number of fine exhibitions of gravure prints and paintings with some large formats.

Her expression moves effortlessly between the surreal and the abstract, and the harmonious color tones are a consistent characteristic of her works.

Ingrid Lilja's pictures may at first glance seem forgivable, but contain a very personal universe. She balances humor and seriousness in a way that points to something deeply existential. This way of asking questions about existence makes her artistry universally relevant.

In the past three years, Ingrid Lilja Arntzen has had solo exhibitions in Anno Norsk Skogmuseum, KHÅK-Ålesund Kunsthall, Galleri Bi-Z in Kristiansand, and Galleri Maerz in Molde. She was also one of the few Norwegian participants in the Nordic Graphics Triennial XVI in Sweden in 2020. She also participated in the Østlandsutstillingen in 2019.

She is represented in Kjell Holm's Art Collection, Ålesund, Nesodden Municipality and several public and private institutions. One of her graphic magazines was also used for the Filmkritikerprisen in 2018. Ingrid Lilja is a member of Norske Billedkunstnere, Foreningen Norske Grafikere og Bildende Kunstnere Akershus.

Ingrid Lilja Arntzen