Collection: Magnar Rismyhr

Magnar Rismyhr born 1950 in Elverum.

Rismyhr paints landscapes based on long-term experimentation. Thematically, the paintings are mostly forest landscapes, but also some from mountains and the sea. The pictures represent a small dive into the wonderful world of colours. "At the same time refresh your senses for the natural built-in lawfulness of the colors, how often, for example, simplicity and low volume in the use of color can attract more attention than you might think and make you humbled by this power of expression."

Magnar Rismyhr studied painting at the Statens Håndverks- og Kunstindustriskole 1968-1969, painting, Statens Kunstakademi 1970-1973. Graphics, Norwegian Academy of Arts 1976 -1977. member of Norske Bildkunstnere and Bildene artiste in Hedmark. Rismyr has been an artistic advisor at Galleri EKG since its establishment in 2005.

Rismyhr also has a career as a cross-country runner: 1. place Birkebeinerrennet 1984, 1st place Finlandialøpet 1984, 1st place Grenaderen 1975, 1977, 1st place Rivier Rerugh in Gatineau, Canada 1981.