Collection: Rolf Nerli

Rolf Nerli was born in Siljan in 1951, but lives and works in Tønsberg.

He was educated at the Statens Håndvrks- og Kunstindustgriskole in Oslo 1971-74 and at the Statens Artakvademi 1974-80.

He had his first solo exhibition at the Kunstnerforbundet in Oslo in 1980, and has since run an active exhibition business with collections all over the country, including a. in Stavanger Art Association and Galleri Nordstand in Oslo, and at Gulden Kunstverk near Drammen.

Nerli has participated in many collective exhibitions at home and abroad, such as the graphics triennial in Fredrikstad and the graphics biennale in Krakow in Poland.

Nerli has been purchased by the National Gallery, the National Gallery and the Norwegian Culture Council. In 2008, he became this year's Nobel Artist.