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Shows a strong belief in the image

Engaged in the political world situation, there is little doubt that Hans-Georg Kohler today works a lot with the political dimension in his pictures.

May-Britt Bjørlo Henriksen

Hans-Georg Kohler is one of 2023's newest artists in Gallery EKG. Just before Christmas, the gallery received several of Kohler's graphic works.

From creating paintings and graphics inspired by Dante's Divine Comedy and Greek mythology, the contemporary has paved the way for a more political approach to painting. He is definitely more political in his works today than he was in the early years of his career

Political pictures

War and unrest have increased in strength and scope in the last forty years, which has led Kohler to be inspired by contemporary wars and conflicts, and the suffering people experience as a result of the brutal, and sometimes incomprehensible wars and conflicts.

From the first Gulf War, which was one of the longest, most extensive and most destructive conflicts after the Second World War, via the wars in Afghanistan that lasted almost 40 years to the second Gulf War, Kohler tries to see the people, and the suffering that war entails.

An experience that we all get into our living rooms every day through the media's reporting of two of the cruelest wars of our time. The wars between Russia and Ukraine, and Israel and Palestine are today seen as headlines in the media several times a week.

Perhaps precisely grasping these despairing images, and the reports from Gaza or the eastern front in Ukraine, fable over them, composing motifs that tell something beyond the possibility of photography is the painter's mandate. Perhaps it is in the artistic that we can process the atrocities.

The human dimension

On closer inspection of the graphic sheets and the framed prints he has moved to Hamar, I think that it is no lightweight who has found his way to Galleri EKG. In his portfolio we find technically good pictures with strong motifs that grab you and hold you. Demanding you.

Kohler has long since joined art history's long tradition of creating political paintings and graphics in a figurative language. At the same time, he often abstracts parts of the image. It invites perception and reflection.

He himself says that he is an abstract painter who has introduced the figurative into his pictures. He started as an abstract painter, but eventually felt that there was too little content in the pictures, and introduced figurative elements. Preferably represented by what he calls " the human dimension" .

The family history

In 1974, Kohler's family moved from Germany to Ryssdal in Valle, in Setesdal. The family that came from a small town at the northern end of the Black Forest, more precisely Nagold, BadWürtemberg in what was then West Germany had lost faith in the rearmament that was taking place as a consequence of the Cold War.

The father, who had been drafted for military service during the Second World War, and who spent four years in captivity after the war, had long since become a pacifist. He did not like the tendency he saw in the rearmament in Germany, and after the family had spent several summers in Setesdal, they moved to the small hamlet of Ryssdal in Valle.

In captivity, he drew wherever an opportunity presented itself. Often the guards in the prison camp took the drawings and threw them away. Freed from captivity, he became a teacher of drawing. When the wife, Hans-Georg's mother was a visual artist, and the children were constantly encouraged by their parents to pursue creative pursuits. says Kohler that his parents were one of the great sources of inspiration he had when he chose the path of art.

Artistic background (abbreviated)

Hans Georg Kohler

Born: 07/07/1962


The Norwegian School of Crafts and Art Industry 1983-1987

Academy of Arts in Warsaw 1987-1988

The Norwegian Academy of Arts 1988-1992

The Norwegian Academy of Fine Arts Department of Graphics Master's student 1995-1996

Since his graduation exhibition at Ved Statens kunstakademi in 1987, he has had several solo exhibitions in Norway, Paris and Berlin, and has also participated in many group exhibitions. In 1990, he received Café Nordraak's prize, and has been awarded a number of scholarships and studio stays.

Purchased by:

The National Gallery

Sørlandet's Art Museum

Agder County 1985

Sogndal Art Association 1990

Norwegian Hydro 1991

Norwegian Council of Culture 1993

Directorate of Roads 2006

Sparebankenes Fellesforbund 2006

Performance (in selection):

Hebbel Theater Berlin Matvik Crew Sleepless Music Berlin 2005

Theater Vårt Molde Matvik Crew Insomnia Molde 2005

Performance/Action Afghan Requiem Gallery Maerz

Contemporary, Berlin 2011

Performance/Installation Haben Sie Seid, Matvik Crew, in collaboration

With Into the Dark UG-Berlin, Kanonhallen, Løren Oslo 2013


Romerike Folkehøyskole Jessheim 2007 Scenography

Romerike Folkehøyskole Jessheim 2008 Scenography

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